When you develop an illness that does not go away on its own or worsens with time, you should contact your friendly primary care provider (PCP) for a proper and thorough evaluation in his/her office to see what is making you ill.
A medical evaluation may lead to an answer to your problem(s) and hopefully, your situation is remedied on the way home. However, if your condition is deemed unsafe to treat at home, then you will be sent to a local hospital where you will be closely monitored and likely multiple tests will be ordered and IV medications are given. With treatment, you recover before going home unscathed.
If you’re still not well, a specialist may be called in, medications adjusted and more testing may be done. A few days later, if your condition is better but not well enough to go home, then you may be sent to what we call nowadays a Skills Unit (SNF) where you will get some rehabilitation prior to going home.
At home, you may receive Home Health services, which will provide nursing, physical and occupational, and nurses aide assistance to fit your needs. By then you are back on your feet and able to go on with your life.
A medical evaluation may lead to an answer to your problem(s) and hopefully, your situation is remedied on the way home. However, if your condition further deteriorates and no recovery is possible, the decision may be made by your family and your physician(s) to admit you to hospice services with goals of keeping you comfortable and distress free. This is where your Advance Care documents will come in handy, stating all your wishes of what you want to be done when the end comes and no misunderstandings arise. If you have any questions, please contact our office.