The name of the game is calories, which correlate with direction of your weight, i.e. net positive intake of calories will lead to weight gain, whereas net calories expenditure will lead to weight loss.
DIET (Calorie intake)
-Most of people do not adhere to their diet plans that are in existence today and in the past just because they were too strict on themselves in the initial phase of the plans. Usually after @ 6 weeks on average, their compliance to the plans just falls by the wayside.
Common sense will tell you that as a human being, we need encouragement in everything we do, including sticking to our diet for the long haul. The best way to do this is to count calories in 7 day increments. For example, if you want to ingest 2000 calories or less in a day, then create a 14,000 calories a week plan . With this plan, you may try to be strict on your weekday’s intake of 1600-1800 calories per day. With the amount of calories you saved during weekdays , you extrapolate them on the weekends to come out 14k calories for the whole week. This is one way for you to look forward to the weekends when you can reward yourself with extra calories that you have saved from the weekdays.
-Intermittent fasting – it has been shown that weight loss can occur when an otherwise – healthy person fasts up to 14 hours a day without caloric intake.
-Essential nutrients such as Inositol and choline supplements have been shown to help your body metabolize fat storage efficiently, which leads to weight loss.
-Quality of meals : Emphasis is low carbohydrate (avoid soda), low fat, and high protein in your daily diet. Do not skip meals.
-Aerobic and weight lifting
-Aerobic exercises work to improve your cardiovascular endurance, whereas weight lifting works on your bone strength. The common recommendation is to be active with your exercises up to 45-60 minutes per day, 4-5 days a week.
-Being active does not have to be just exercises in gym clothes. One can be active with daily routine activities such as a quick walk around the house or workplace; fidgeting, stretching, yoga maneuvers, and bedroom activities.