One of our main goals in life is to stay healthy physically and mentally, be productive to our family and society, and live as long as our genetic makeup and environment dictate. In order to achieve this goal, there are a number of things we should do, more or less, depending on our situations.
First thing first, stay active and watch your caloric intake to avoid becoming obese, as obesity can lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, and certain types of cancer. It is advisable to have regular check-ups, such as an annual physical, with your family physician to gauge how you have been taking care of yourself. A number of screening tests or measures can be carried out at your visit:
1) Blood pressure, weight, sugar and cholesterol check;
2) Cancers, such as chest imaging studies for smokers to screen for lung cancer; periodic skin exam for skin cancer such as melanoma; for prostate and colorectal cancer, screening may begin at or after age 50 for those without positive family history.
3) Immunization update can be addressed also, such as Influenza, tetanus, pneumococcal, meningococcal, shingles, and Hepatitis B. For travelers to endemic 3rd world countries, public health may give more information on what other immunizations are needed.
4) Sexually transmitted diseases screening for those with high-risk behaviors, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, Hepatitis B &C, HIV, HPV, Herpes, and syphilis.
5) Screening for Depression and substance abuse including alcohol, drugs (prescription and illicit), and tobacco use.
6) Violence in the home or workplace can be addressed at your doctor’s visit.
7) Sexual dysfunction
8) Last but not least, screening for memory loss is important for those affected by it.
If you have any further questions with regard to this topic, please our office to address them.