Longevity of life, it is important to stay healthy by following the simple rules of life, so to speak. If you are already healthy entering your (chronologically) elderly period, i.e. older than 65 years of age, it is wise to keep your mental and physical well-being going in the right direction by applying the following simple steps:
- Remain active through physical and mental exercises
- Institute proper nutritional intake
- Keep your life stress free if possible
- Avoid trauma such as falls and accidents
- Minimize the incidence of infection by staying up-to-date on your immunizations and maintaining proper sleep patterns
- Minimize drug side effects if you are taking any
For those with chronic illness entering your elder years, in addition to the above steps, it is wise to stay active if practical
and take medications as directed by your physicians and yes, keep your appointments with your doctors.
One of the major stressors facing retirement, usually around this period of elderhood, especially for hard-working individuals working long hours for years, is the realization that you will be facing your spouse daily (if you’re married) and tolerance of your partner will be a challenge. For those who are not married, life being alone without work distractions is another challenge.
Good luck to all of you in your endeavor to your next stage of life. Be joyful and thankful with what you have while moving ahead